ProSCM is a division of Propinar LLC. Propinar LLC was founded in 2005 by a senior level Strategic Sourcing, Procurement and Supply Chain Management executive with roots in the concept that execution, and its resulting verifiable top-line and bottom-line benefit, is the missing deliverable component within most interim management and consulting firms.

Our vision, mission, goal and objective is to assist clients with the creation and application of continuous-improvement and best-practices management processes. Our expertise and extensive experience in sourcing, procurement and supply chain processes and their improvement is enabled by ongoing research and by our active networking leading to affiliations with subject matter experts.

ProSCM's mission is to serve a wide range of assignments and management duties for client companies that lack the internal resources or experience for specific business requirements, including collaboration, consulting and filling interim individual contributor and management positions. We recognize we cannot be "all things to all people"; and therefore, we will not accept opportunities, engagements, challenges or assignments for which we are not well suited.

Our services are customized based on our clients' needs and are delivered by highly experienced professionals with industry and/or functional experience, consistent with the clients' business requirements. In every situation, clients receive the benefit of our team's combined executive expertise and business acumen. We do not "hand off" assignments to junior MBAs and act as "overseers". We believe client issues deserve the full attention of an experienced senior level professional with relevant experience.

Our recommended business model is to lead or assist in the development of the strategies and tactical plans and then manage the implementation as an onsite, hands-on, interim member of the management or cross-functional team. The processes we use in providing real value to our clients will vary, and the deliverables most likely will take different forms, but each assignment's objective and commitment is to fully understand the clients' requirements and to meet their expectations and business needs.

Our commitment to clients and request of our clients is to communicate in an open, honest and direct manner.